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shiv November 22, 2022 0

What Are the Benefits of Laser Gum Treatment?

Traditionally, treatment like advanced periodontitis involves invasive dental surgery. Also, your dentist can use pocket reduction surgery, tissue grafting, and bone grafting routinely to treat severe gum disease. However, many patients find LANAP Offers minimal invasive treatment. In this article, you will learn all the benefits of LANAP treatment near me.

Non-Invasive Procedure

Unlike other types of dental surgery for severe, LANAP doesn’t require your dentist to make incisions in your gums first. As a result, you won’t need stitches or sutures following the treatment, which minimizes the risk of post-operative infection. Also, patients feel more comfortable with the non-invasive treatment procedure.

Reduced Healing Time

Patients fully recover from LANAP surgery near me within 24 hours, and many find they can resume their normal activities immediately. In contrast, traditional dental surgery can have a healing period of two to four weeks. Still, patients can feel swelling, discomfort, and bleeding.

Reduced Risk of Gum Recession

Receding gums is one symptom of advanced gum disease; however, it can occur after dental surgery for periodontitis. LANAP also reduces the risk of gum recession and cutting your gums so the tissue doesn’t shrink.

Natural Regeneration

Another treatment for periodontitis is using foreign bodies to stimulate the regeneration process. In contrast, laser gum treatment stimulates your body’s natural healing to help generate the tissue.

This reduces the chances of infectious disease and the possibility of dental moving or dislodging.

When LANAP Is Recommended

Laser gum treatment is viable for patients with moderate or severe gum disease. Suppose you are not a candidate for traditional dental surgery because of blood-thinning medications. Then your dentist will recommend a LANAP near me. Moreover, patients who are nervous about undergoing dental surgery or want to minimize their recovery time may prefer Laser treatment.

LANAP treatment also resolves gum diseases with scaling, polishing, root planning, and subgingival cleaning when it’s in the initial phase. These procedures can resolve gum disease so that you won’t need LANAP.

Post-Procedure Care

Patients with relatively little post-procedure care after the laser treatment. Your dentist may ask you to avoid strenuous activities for a few days after the treatment. Still, most people feel comfortable having their daily routine activities.

You don’t need to floss or brush the treated areas following laser gum treatment because it can hurt you and hurt your healing process. However, your dentist may advise you to rinse the affected area with lukewarm water or antimicrobial mouthwash. Similarly, your dentist may recommend limiting food consumption or using a liquid diet for two to three days after the LANAP procedure near me.

Sometimes, patients notice slight tenderness, swelling, or sensitivity in the affected area. This may be due to the natural regeneration of tissue and typically reduces within a short period.


If you suffer from gum disease, you should consider visiting a LANAP periodontist near me for LANAP treatment and diagnosis. Also, in this article, you have learned about the benefits of conventional treatment.


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