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latest Coke No Sugar: 5 Things You Should Know

Benjamin June 17, 2020 0

Stoke Your Fat-Burning Furnace

Yo-yo dieting, skipping meals, eating fat-free foods, no exercise and low thyroid all have one thing in common – they promote a low metabolism. Your basal metabolism rate (BMR) is the rate at which your body burns food when you are at rest. When you hear people refer to their slow metabolism, they are really saying that they have a low BMR. Metabolism is the reactions that take place inside our cells to create energy. All the food we eat is broken down to produce the energy needed to maintain body temperature, to breathe, to move our muscles and keep our weight in check. A peak operating metabolism can burn up a lot of fuel (food) and create plenty of energy. Conversely, a slow metabolism will store fuel as fat. We can rev up our fat burning furnace quickly with clinically researched metabolism boosting foods and nutrients.


Eating a protein rich breakfast can increase your body’s ability to burn fat by 25 per cent, and that fat-burning action will last for up to eight hours. When you skip meals, your metabolic rate slows to conserve energy because you are starving your body. When you do eat, the body stores the food as fat because the body thinks you are in a famine. The answer: eat a protein based breakfast every day, such as eggs, a chicken breast, a protein shake or protein powder mixed into plain organic yogurt. Protein enhances your metabolism and stops hunger pangs.

Fat for Fat Loss

Yes, eating fat can help you lose fat, but the fat you eat must be good fat. Fatty acids from fish or flaxseed oil (omega-3 fats) and conjugated-linoleic (CLA) acid help burn fat. Recent research shows that the hormone leptin is low in those who do not get enough good fats. Leptin is a hormone that regulates appetite, the size of our fat cells and how quickly those cells burn fat. Fatty acids enhance Leptin, decrease our appetite and burn fat faster. Make sure you eat fish a couple of times per week, use extra virgin olive oil, put ground flaxseed on your food, and, if you dislike fish, take fish oil capsules daily.

More than 500 studies support CLA’s unique abilities. In 2000, it was reported that even without a change in diet or lifestyle overweight participants had a 20 per cent decrease in body fat and an increase in lean muscle mass. Minimum dosages of 4000 mg per day are necessary to obtain fat loss.

Metabolism Boosting Herbs

If you are one of those people who have reduced your calories, are dedicated to exercise and still can’t lose weight you will want to add the clinically-researched herbs that kick-start your metabolism. Thermogenic herbs rev up and reset your rate of metabolism making fat loss more effective.

Green Tea

Sipping a cup of green tea or swallowing green tea capsules can help aid fat loss. In one study overweight participants took three capsules per day containing 200 mg of green tea extract. Participants experienced increased fat loss without accelerating heart rate. Switch from coffee to green tea to achieve a faster metabolism. Drinking three cups of green tea provides about the same caffeine as one cup of drip coffee.

The secret to weight loss also lies in your kitchen cupboards. Hot, spicy foods also jump start your metabolism. Have you noticed how curried foods make you sweat? This is one of the symptoms of an increased metabolism. Switch from black pepper to cayenne pepper for faster weight loss. Add ginger to foods and eat hot salsa to enhance your fat-burning furnace.

Fat-burning foods and supplements support a healthy diet and exercise program to quickly reset your metabolic rate safely.


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