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What Is The Difference Between Lower Lingual Holding Arch And Nance Appliance?

The lower lingual holding arch is a fixed or permanent appliance that preserves space in the lower dental arch. It is an appliance that acts as a “space maintainer,” preventing the bottom molars from shifting forward and obstructing the growth or eruption of permanent teeth.

According to a Miami orthodontist specialist, dentists use this appliance when a child has impacted lower teeth or baby teeth are lost early. Dental specialists commonly use this device on younger individuals who haven’t yet developed all of their adult teeth.

Until adult teeth have fully developed or erupted, the lower lingual holding arch stays typically in place. The lingual braces Miami acts as an anchor for various elastics. Dentists may use it in conjunction with overbite correction with other appliances.

Nance Appliance

A nance appliance does the same for upper teeth and jaw as the lower lingual holding arch does for, the lower jaw. It keeps your molars from rotating or shifting forward and preserves space in the mouth. While similar in design to the lower lingual holding arch, the Nance arch has one significant variation.

Orthodontist Hollywood uses orthodontic cement to bind two bands to the upper first molars. A stainless-steel wire goes over the roof of the mouth, connecting the bands. Because the Nance appliance is passive, it does not cause any pressure, pain, or discomfort. After a few days of getting used to it, most patients remark it feels “just like a part of my mouth.

What to expect first few days after getting a lower lingual holding arch?

Patients will need some time to adjust when dentists place something new in the mouth. Most patients, however, change to these devices in a span of a few days. Here’s what to expect after getting the appliance.

  • The production of saliva may increase for a few days after the placement of the appliance, but it will reduce quickly.
  • Your speech may sound a little weird or funny at first. It happens because the tongue has to function with a new object in your mouth. Patients should talk aloud as much as possible for the first few days to help the tongue adjust to the appliance.
  • After getting the appliance, your mouth might be sour for the first few days. You can use over-the-counter pain medication to get relief from discomfort. And the diet of soft food may also help.
  • During the adjustment duration, soft tissue may become tender or inflamed. If it happens, then patients can swish with warm saltwater. If a youngster does not like the taste of saltwater, alcohol-free mouth rinses are available.
  • Your mouth may feel weird but refrain from using your tongue to play with the wires. Also, you should avoid picking at the wires or bands.


We hope the above-given information helps you learn about the lower lingual holding arch. If you have any concerns regarding the lower lingual holding arch, please don’t hesitate to contact ivanovortho.com.


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